Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Seeking Revenge


     An article is linked above that explains revenge and the psychological reasoning behind someone seeking revenge. Revenge often serves as the driving force for ones actions in the plot of a novel. One seeks revenge to recover what they have lost or been hurt by. The one that seeks revenge goes by the principal do unto others as they do unto you. The article explains the characteristics of a person seeking revenge:
"Social psychologist Ian McKee, PhD, of Adelaide University in Australia, studies what makes a person seek revenge rather than just letting an issue go. In May 2008, he published a paper in Social Justice Research (Vol. 138, No. 2) linking vengeful tendencies primarily with two social attitudes: right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance, and the motivational values that underlie those attitudes. People who are more vengeful tend to be those who are motivated by power, by authority and by the desire for status, he says. They don't want to lose face."  

      Revenge plays a major role in the novel because it is the main driving force for the characters. For example, Valentine seeks revenge from other shadow hunters for betraying him and stealing the mortal cup. Valentine fits the description of someone wanting revenge explained in the article because  he is motivated by power. The mortal cup gives him unimaginable power, which leads him to seeking revenge. Another character seeking revenge is Jace because of his father's death. Revenge for his father's death causes Jace to want to go after Valentine and his men. Revenge plays a major role in the plot of the novel.


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